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Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications 2025

Welcome to the abstract submission & reviewing website for the 13th international conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications (IFSA2025), to be held in Tours (France) from September 14 to September 19, 2025.

Important deadlines

  • February 11, 2025: abstract submission & registration open
  • April 11, 2025: abstract submission closed
  • May 30, 2025: program published
  • August 4, 2017: registration closed

1/ Please go to Make Submission and complete all the fields of the displayed form. You will be asked to enter a password; please keep it safe as well as the submission ID you will receive in a notification email. You will have to upload your abstract, as prepared following the instructions on the conference website and using the provided template - PDF file only!
2/ If necessary, Edit Submission will allow you modifying any of the fields of the submission form, EXCEPT the "Title" field and the uploaded file.
3/ View File will allow you to check your submitted abstract.
4/ Check Status will give you direct access to the status of your submission.

Review and Program Committees:

Thank you for agreeing to be a member of the Technical Program Committee (TPC). The TPC is a key part of the IFSA2025 conference organization.
The role of the TPC members is to review and comment on submissions, thus providing inputs to the TPC chairs in order to decide which submissions are finally accepted and establish the scientific program of the conference.



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